Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jiwa kacau


Jiwa tengah kacaw n serabut sangat.. Friends, please pray for me that I can back to d right path... please pray that Allah will always guiding me... please pray that I can be a good Muslimah~~Amin... 

Ya Allah, telah ku cuba cari hatiku di beberapa tempat... Namun masih samar dan kelam... maka ku pohon padaMu, gantikanlah hatiku dengan hati yang baru, yang dekat denganMu, yang lebih mudah menerima teguran, yang lebih kuat berdepan dugaan, yang lebih lembut mendengar arahanMu....
Allah, aku lemah...aku sangat tak berdaya....Sesungguhnya tiada tuhan yang disembah melainkan ALLAH....

----This is something we all need to be reminded of. It’s scary when we act all good and pious in front of others but a different person emerges when we are alone. It’s like a monster unleashing his true personality when no one’s looking. For me, it’s a scary thought.

Do I offer solah only when someone’s watching but leave it when I’m alone in my room? Do I stay away from fitnah during the day but open an xxx website during the night? Do I rush to the mosque for zuhur, asar, maghrib and isya' so people would think I’m righteous but I can’t even get up for Fajr?

Do I say subhan’Allah, masha’Allah, astagfirullah etc etc when someone’s listening but can’t even remember the name of Allah when I’m all by myself? Do I practice what I preach? Am I the same person?

May we take some time to reflect and ask forgiveness from Allah. This is a serious disease of the heart. It’s a mask that we should get rid of. May ALLAH protect us and guide us to the right path. Assalamualaikum :)~~~

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